Natural Resource Mgmt. Program Plan
Duluth Natural Resource Mgmt. Program Plan
EOR collaborated with the City of Duluth and multiple stakeholders to develop the first ever Natural Resources Management Program Plan (NRMPP) for the City. The NRMPP provides the framework for a cyclical, adaptive, and sustainable management approach that identifies and prioritizes projects in concert with partners and is tied to the function and values of the City’s natural resources.
EOR's GIS team used data to identify and prioritize lands for management through the development of an online platform to facilitate project submission from numerous City partnerships. These projects were then prioritized via a Decision Support Tool developed specifically for the City in collaboration with the EPA and used to advance the associated capital implementation plan. Upon completion of the Duluth NRMPP, EOR created an interactive GIS StoryMap that is continually updated as a living document, together with the project submission platform, and Decision Support Tool.

Client Benefits
- Interactive GIS tool used to facilitate the implementation of the adaptive mgmt. approach and sustain long-term collaboration.
- Process allowed for diverse group of public and private stakeholders to interactively collaborate with the City’s Natural Resources Commission, providing input and guidance prior to adoption by the City Council.
- Extensive data collection, management, and analysis documented and summarized within a living, efficient, and public-accessible StoryMap