Eco-restoration of Golf Course into Nature Park
Eco-restoration of Golf Course into Nature Park
EOR is leading the conversion of a golf course into a new nature park that will contain 13 acres to be managed as a wetland mitigation bank. The plan for this new park includes restored natural areas that will provide nature-based experiences for the users while enhancing wildlife habitat and improving the site's water quality function. This project represents a unique opportunity to creates natural amenities within a metro-area park, while providing wetland credits for a watershed with limited opportunities for wetland mitigation.
Informing the natural-resources-based planning process for the new park, EOR conducted a detailed wetland delineation on the former Fred Richards golf course, completed a natural resource inventory, and mapped all natural resource features. To complete the restoration process, excavated ponds will be reshaped and the hydrology of the previously drained wetlands will be restored. As part of this process, native plantings will be used to restore the site's vegetation, providing additional eco-habitat for wildlife, birds, and pollinators.
Client Benefits
- Wetland bank complements the proposed nature-based park programming.
- The City-owned wetland credits may be used for their own projects or sold to help finance the park improvement project.
- Restored wetland areas provide important flood storage and water quality benefits to the watershed.
- The ecorestoration of a golf course to a natural park increased biodiversity, as well as improve access to the area's natural resources by the region's users.