Green Infrastructure
Serving Communities for Sustainable Growth
EOR works with counties, townships, villages, municipalities, and watershed management entities across the U.S. and Canada on the design and guidance of green infrastructure projects. We understand the opportunities and challenges that local communities face in maintaining, expanding, and retrofitting existing systems. In addressing these issues, EOR focuses on decreasing the cost and environmental impact through the thoughtful integration and layering of green infrastructure.-
Terravessa Mixed-Use Sustainable Development
Mixed-use development that integrated stormwater and green infrastructure in protectring the adjacent State Natural Area. -
Marine Village Stormwater Improvements
Stormwater management and ecorestoration for historic town along pristine St. Croix River -
Zero Discharge City
International, award-winning project with an innovative approach to stormwater management. -
Library Lake Master Plan
Revitalizing the ecological, economic, and social value of Library Lake, Wisconsin. -
Low Impact Design Guide
Award winning manual outlines stormwater BMPs for developers and contractors in Ontario. -
City Corridor Greening
A one mile reconstruction project using green infrastructure to address flooding concerns in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. -
Community Raingardens
Award-winning project used BMPs to address community flooding in and reduce overall project cost. -
Edmonton LID Study
Identification of 85,000 Low Impact Development opportunities, outline how the City can achieve water quality targets. -
LEED Site & Stormwater Retrofit for Restaurant
Incorporation of green infrastructure and water use/reuse practices for renovated restaurant -
Green Infrastructure Guidance
Integrating stormwater management within community design guidelines. -
Large-Scale, Retail Site Design
Addressing excess nutrient concerns to adjacent lake with the use of advanced stormwater controls in large, retail setting.
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