Ajinomoto Wetland Bank
Ajinomoto Mitigation Bank
This 120-acre wetland mitigation bank will function as a general-use bank servicing landowners, public entities, and developers within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-designated Lower Des Moines Service Area who may require compensatory mitigation credits for unavoidable wetland impacts under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Forested and emergent wetland credits will be created through the enhancement and restoration of on- site wetlands.
Off-site and on-site wetland delineations were performed. Work was performed in accordance with the Wetland Delineation Manual and Midwest Regional Supplement. There are eight different wetland types that occur throughout the delineated wetlands, based on the Cowardin wetland classification system. All potential wetlands are associated with low-lying Des Moines River channel scars and receive overbank and slack water flow from the river during the nearly annual floods.

Client Benefits
- Opportunity to enhance unique and increasingly threatened aquatic resources and habitat in an ecologically sensitive region while ensuring compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts.
- Wetland bank accounts for 95 wetland mitigation credits
- Able to create wetland bank on own adjacent property
- In addition to wetland credits, the restoration will also improve the area's flood resiliency