Water Reuse for Athletic Fields
Water Reuse for Athletic Fields
EOR designed a storage tank to capture runoff from a residential subwatershed of Burandt Lake to be reused for irrigating adjacent high school athletic fields. The mainly residential area (in conjunction with the municipal street reconstruction project) directs excess stormwater runoff (containing sediment, phosphorus, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants) into the storage tank. Project challenges included using modular design to allow for phased expansion, coordination with stakeholders, maintain construction footprint within City Right-of-Way or permissible encroachment into School District property, and critical tank material selection given the highly corrosive soils of the site.

Client Benefits
- The captured runoff results in annual reductions of 64% for phosphorous and 44% by volume.
- Fits within site constraints and impacts to usable areas.
- Reducing potable water for irrigation will save the School Dist. several thousand dollars per year in City potable water fees. In addition, by reusing over 25,000 ft3. (187,000 gal.) of runoff the School District will be able to irrigate more often for better turf quality.