BCWD Watershed Management Plans
BCWD Watershed Management Plans
Since 1998, EOR has provided consulting services for the Brown's Creek Watershed District (BCWD), including writing three Watershed Management Plans (WMP). The 2001 WMP was the State's first WMP; it identified a number of water quality issues and established a 5-year implementation plan. This plan provides additional support for the BCWD's rules, initiated the District's monitoring & data acquisition program, prioritized groundwater recharge in the watershed, and sought to increase public awareness of watershed management. EOR built on that first plan, with the 2007 WMP, which incorporated the ideas and concerns of citizen and technical advisory groups. The 2007 WMP's user-friendly format made it easy to identify specific policies, associated goals, and implementation items. The 2016 Plan culminated in a 10-yr implementation plan that identifies prioritized targets and measurable outcomes enabling the District to qualify for State funding sources. EOR also led a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process that included the BCWD Board of Managers, meetings with the local developers, an ice cream social for residents of the watershed, meetings with advisory committees, and a written survey.

Client Benefits
- The 2016 plan address emerging issues of concern, including climate adaptation, protecting groundwater recharge areas, and land conservation.
- Received the 2020 Water Quality Award from the Water Environment Federation (WEF) for the Brown's Creek Trout Stream Restoration. This project had been identified for implementation in the BCWD Watershed Management Plan.