Bixby Park Wetland
Bixby Park Wetland
In 2014, the Comfort Lake-Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) won a Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources Clean Water Fund Grant to implement the Bixby Park Water Quality (WQ) Improvement Wetland Project. This project was based on recommendations in the 2012 Sunrise River Water Quality and Flowage Engineer's report. EOR designed a wetland that redistributes channel water to a former ditched wetland, raising the wetland's water table, and providing increased surface area for evapotranspiration. Moreover, the design decreases channel flow, and restores the wetland's natural hydrology. The ponded water in the enhanced wetland is filtered through an engineered outlet berm designed to capture dissolved phosphorus. The enhanced wetland is designed to reduce phosphorus inputs to Comfort Lake and the St. Croix River by 206 lbs a year.

Client Benefits
- EOR was involved throughout project process from the initial diagnostic study and analysis, to grant assistance, project design, implementation, construction oversight and post-construction monitoring.
- Complicated wetland permitting managed by EOR’s wetland professionals.