Edmonton LID Study
Edmonton LID Study
The goal of this project was to quantify if LID could meet the City's targets for zero increase in pollutant loading in the rapidly growing urban area. EOR identified feasible locations, and the likely costs and benefits of urban LID retrofits using optimized geospatial routines in "built-out" areas of Edmonton. Retrofits were evaluated based on sustainable-net present value using Autocase, the City's Triple Bottom Line criteria, and the expected runoff volume and pollutant reductions. Our team assessed the potential reduction in combined sewer overflow (CSO) achieved by LID implementation with a PCSWMM model for a neighborhood-scale combined sewer system. Overall, the study identified over 85,000 LID retrofit opportunities which, if broadly implemented, could achieve the City's water quality targets.

Client Benefits
- A spatial inventory of 85,000 LID retrofit opportunities with estimated costs and benefits for City staff to reference in relation to redevelopment and other public infrastructure projects.
- Multiple metrics to prioritize implementation by cost-benefit ratios, Triple Bottom Line score, and net present value.