Fen Monitoring for Utility
Fen Monitoring for Utility
EOR conducted comprehensive hydrologic, chemical, and isotopic monitoring at two calcareous fens in northwestern Minnesota adjacent to a proposed utility crossing. EOR documented the existing conditions and gathered the data required to understanding the groundwater discharge to the fens. The data was used to locate and install a network of six well-nests in each fen. Each nest contained a hand-driven piezometer with the screen set located below the peat mat, and a corollary shallow well used to monitor the fen's water table. Well nests were monitored with continuous pressure transducers to develop hydrographs to depict each site's unique hydrology. The nests were also used to sample cations, anions, and stable isotopes to determine groundwater chemistry and recharge characteristics.

Client Benefits
- Addressed well permitting and well variance requests.
- Installed and monitored well nests in an ecologically sensitive manner using low-impact installation and monitoring techniques.
- Monitoring provided high resolution hydrographs and detailed chemical data.