Lake Auburn Boat Launch
Lake Auburn Boat Launch Improvements
EOR worked with the Three Rivers Park District and the MN Dept. Natural Resources to develop options for the redesign and site improvements to the Lake Auburn boat launch whose existing facilities and program were dated, worn, and insufficient for the increasing interest in the park. Additionally, EOR garnered stakeholder consensus on the final design and provided construction and O&M cost-estimates for the proposed improvements.
EOR’s design layered the needs for user-safety and accessibility with environmental improvements that included stormwater filtering, shoreline stabilization, ADA accessibility, aquatic habitat, and new carry-in and trailered watercraft launch facilities to the site.

Client Benefits
- ADA accessible facility also includes unique, accessible shoreline fishing opportunities.
- Bio-engineered shoreline addresses shoreline erosion while enhancing habitat and near-shore fishing experience.
- Expanded facility minimizes tree loss and removals were used near shore, as fish habitat structures.
- Launch includes a modern aquatic invasive species ‘tie down’ station for watercraft inspection and cleaning.