Library Lake Master Plan
Library Lake Master Plan
EOR worked with the City of Cumberland and the Beaver Dam Lake Management District to develop a master plan that will restore and revitalize the ecological, economic, and social value of Library Lake. Library Lake, located adjacent to Main Street in historic downtown Cumberland, is a traditional gathering spot for the Beaver Dam Lake community. Over time this connection was severed by sediment from stormsewer outfalls that reduced depths and support vegetation restricting boat traffic. This master plan re-connects the community by installing green infrastructure that improves lake health and supports multi-modal transportation. That Plan also re-orients downtown toward the lake with a variety of pedestrian amenities.

Client Benefits
- Restores the community’s connection to local water resources.
- Creates a waterfront community space to support downtown businesses and the annual Rutabaga Festival.
- Connects the community’s rich history with a sustainable future.
- Project assisted in leveraging over $400,000 in WI-DNR grant funds for future lake improvement.
- Client received 2019 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award (Library Lake video)