Mid-Level Pollution Loading Models Evaluation
Mid-Level Pollution Loading Models Evaluation
The U.S. EPA selected EOR to assist the State of Michigan in selecting a standardized, mid-level complexity, model for pollution modeling efforts throughout the state. The State wanted a standardized process to assess water quality priorities on at a high-level, including allocation of water quality grant funding. When different models are used and with varying inputs, the results are difficult to compare side-by-side.

Client Benefits
- Evaluation of user needs based on modeling platforms, including definition of partner needs for protection and restoration planning, level of expertise, and available resources.
- Comprehensive, up-to-date matrix of non-point source pollution loading (water quality) models that narrow the selection of standardized models that the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) support & use state-wide.
- The water quality model is a tool the Michigan DEQ will use as staff becomes more capable in hydrologic/hydraulic modeling & as the data needed to build and calibrate these models becomes available.
- Improved institutional knowledge of complex modeling capabilities and limitations allows State staff to identify and employ hydrologic/hydraulic modeling tools.