Minnesota State Stormwater Manual
Minnesota State Stormwater Manual
EOR worked with the SCC and Tom Schueler of the Center for Watershed Protection to develop the MN Stormwater Manual. The manual is recognized as the leading state stormwater manual in the nation at its publication. It provides stormwater management practices for professional stormwater managers and associated design professionals who encounter stormwater issues. EOR was also pivotal in conducting statewide training sessions for over 900 stormwater professionals in the use of this manual. The manual details stormwater management in cold climates for varying geology and regulatory contexts across the state, establishes unified stormwater sizing criteria, describes how to identify potential toxic hotspots, lists practices for drinking water source protection, and assists with BMP screening and selection.

Client Benefits
- Main manual elements: BMP design, cost, operation/maintenance, and performance
- Cold climate adaptations: Low impact development, conservation design, and green infrastructure.
- MN’s regulatory framework case studies: Unified sizing criteria and stormwater credits