Multi-State TMDL Study
Multi-State TMDL Study
EOR completed a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study for the impaired waterbodies within the 253,000-acre Pigeon River Watershed. Straddling the state Michigan-Indiana border, the Indiana portion of the Pigeon River Watershed contains waterbodies that are impaired by E. coli, phosphorus, and nitrogen, as well as sections that contain impaired biotic communities (IBC). EOR provided oversight for an extensive monitoring effort and was responsible for the watershed characterization, pollutant load goal identification, source assessment, and pollutant load allocation.

Client Benefits
- EOR developed Quality Assurance Project Plans for both the monitoring effort and for TMDL development that resulted in a technically superior product.
- This project will be a template for future state efforts as it is Indiana’s first lake TMDL.
- TMDL identifies the allowable loads of each identified pollutant required to meet water quality standards for each impaired resource within the watershed.