Mustinka River WRAPS
Mustinka River WRAPS
The Mustinka River Watershed contains three lakes & 15 stream reaches that are all impaired for aquatic recreation use due to eutrophication or E. coli, & aquatic life-use impairments due to turbidity, dissolved oxygen, or biological indicators. Watershed Restoration & Protection Strategies (WRAPS) use a watershed-based approach to address the State's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements for impaired waters and identifies strategies for protecting waters from future impairments.
As part of the project, EOR created a HSPF model of the watershed's water quality conditions related to key TMDL components including: stressor identification, pollutant source assessment, load allocations & reductions, as well as implementation & protection strategies. An innovative civic/public engagement campaign included a website for posting all project documentation and tracking of the project's multi-year process.

Client Benefits
- Provide framework for Watershed District’s Comprehensive Water Plan & grant opportunities.
- Recommended Ag. BMPs, stream & wetland restoration; and techniques for prioritizing practices.
- EOR performed both the HSPF model & TMDL study significantly improving project efficiencies.