Special Area Mgmt. Plan
Special Area Management Plan
Current wetland policies, including the Federal Mitigation Rule & MN's Wetland Conservation Act, stress the importance of a watershed-based approach for broader water resource benefits. This approach to mitigation can provide permitting flexibility by demonstrating that a comprehensive planning approach was taken to evaluate development alternatives and prioritize actions that are least environmentally damaging.
MN's first Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) was based on data from the state-adopted Comprehensive Wetland Protection and Management Plan, City's Comprehensive Plan, and several Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies within and adjacent to the City. Working together with the City, the Watershed District, and the USACE, EOR's integrated planning effort includes a strategy that accommodates growth while protecting high valued resources through a well coordinated wetland permitting program.

Client Benefits
- Protection for priority resources.
- Wetland permitting efficiency and flexibility.
- USACE Programmatic General Permit for impacts up to 5 acres.
- First Special Area Management Plan in the State of Minnesota.