Squaw Creek Watershed Management Plan
Squaw Creek Watershed Management Plan
EOR developed a Watershed Management Plan for the newly formed Squaw Creek Watershed Management Authority (WMA). The Plan consisted of a detailed evaluation of the mainly, agricultural/rural watershed including an assessment of streams from a water quality & streambank stability standpoint, and pollutant source assessment. Using the assessment information, the WMA developed goals for future conditions in the watershed and set several objectives to meet those goals. EOR assisted the WMA in developing a 20 year implementation plan consisting of nutrient reduction strategies, recreational enhancements and education/outreach efforts.

Client Benefits
- A SWAT water quality model was constructed for the watershed allowing the WMA to prioritize management activities in areas where nutrient loading is highest.
- Water quality monitoring data collected by IOWATER volunteers was evaluated to determine the existing state of the watershed’s waters.
- GIS-based tools used to assess the suitability and effectiveness of various conservation practices in the watershed.
- The plan incorporated and advances previous efforts completed for the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.