Unique Species Inventory
Unique Species Inventory
Because it is a designated cold-water fishery, Brown's Creek is actively managed by the Minn. DNR as a trout stream. A Unique Species Inventory was initiated in 2015 to highlight the unique and interdependent aspects of the entire Brown's Creek corridor. The Inventory's goal was to increase public awareness and document the occurrence of rare and highly valued natural resources along the creek corridor and contributing watershed areas. The Unique Species Inventory surveyed each of the three distinct geographic sections of Brown's Creek. Field assessments included bird surveys along two regional trails, vegetation surveys, macroinvertebrate surveys, fish and mussel surveys, and a herpetile assessment. The results of these surveys were summarized in representational cross-sections for each region of the creek and incorporated into the 2017-2026 watershed management plan.

Client Benefits
- Characterized the Brown’s Creek corridor to raise awareness about the entire ecosystem
- Created opportunities to partner with local citizen experts and volunteers
- Better characterized the resource for future TMDL planning