Amery Regional Medical Care Center
Amery Regional Medical Care Center
EOR created a landscape for the Medical Center that promotes human health and wellness through an ecologically-enhanced environment. The site design creates a synergy between the hospital, the adjacent Apple River, and the greater Amery community. The project serves as a regional precedent for its many sustainable features.

Main Project Components
- Environmental education signage
- Porous fire access lane
- ½ acre Green roof
- Raptor nesting platform
- Prairie restoration
- Community trail system
- Overlook of the Apple River
- Filtration and infiltration bioretention

Client Benefits
- High profile project serves as a regional precedent for LID and implementing green technologies.
- Water quality and quantity management surpasses both county and state requirements.
- Achieves 95% reduction in total suspended solids estimated for post-development conditions.
- Peak discharge rates and total runoff volumes are below pre-development quantities for the 2-yr and 100-yr storm events.

Project Awards
- 2011 Landscape Architecture Honor Award for Landscape Design - American Society of landscape Architects-MN Branch
- 2010 Landscape Architecture Merit Award for Landscape Design - American Society of Landscape Architecture-WI Branch
- 2017 Certified as an Audubon Bird Sanctuary - first hospital in the world to be certified as such