Green Infrastructure Guidance
WSF Green Infrastructure Guidance
EOR was involved in multiple phases of the planning efforts for the West Side Flats (WSF). WSF is an area directly across the river from downtown St. Paul with a complex environmental and industrial history. EOR originally worked with Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. on an innovative Master Plan that recognized stormwater as a direct and critical influence on the urban area's spatial organization.
A key recommendation of the master plan centered on a linear Greenway that reoriented the proposed and existing Communities toward the Mississippi River. The Greenway treats a significant percentage of the proposed development's stormwater to allow higher densities. Following the master plan, EOR worked with St. Paul and Tetra Tech on a feasibility study of the proposed Greenway and provided conceptual design options for how the Greenway would function and fit into the proposed Community. This feasibility study was funded by an EPA Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Program grant.

Client Benefits
- unique Master Plan grounded in sustainability, place making, and economic reality.
- Creating a powerful, sustainable vision for the City to communicate to developers.
- Advancing Green Infrastructure that improves the Community and protects the environment.